Day 9: Happy New Year!!!

January 1, 2011 at 4:22 PM | Posted in Baby Romaezi | 10 Comments
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Kayvan and I have noticed that the days we are in here really do fly by.  I have also gotten used to the wacky sleep schedule the nurses have me on due to vital checks.  They wake me at 12 a.m., 4 a.m and 8 a.m.  Now, if you did that to me at home you would be putting yourself at risk for serious injury.  I guess they are just prepping me for the kid and the potentially hazardous sleep schedule he will have me on.  I say me because Kayvan sleeps through it ALL.  Every nurse check, visit from the doctor, breakfast arrival, you name it. I’m not too worried though.  Once we get home he won’t be able to sleep through me, half asleep whacking him in the Continue Reading Day 9: Happy New Year!!!…

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